I figured I'd make a separate post for Rebel. This past week was very sunny and almost 60. I gave M&M a bath before my lesson because he was so crusty and when I got back I gave Rebel one. For all the good it did, it is so muddy and I can't do a thing about it.
I swear there is a large white spot on his tummy. He is also now in his shed phase of being almost white. Sure.
His crusty butt. I couldn't even brush it with the shedding blade. Here is his hind end washed. I swear it is the same horse!
Here are a couple of the finished product, one he is doing his Andelusian imitation. He is so flexible! He of course put his foot right in the hay bag but I grabbed it right after the picture (he put his foot in while taking the pic) and he just waited til I got him loose. He is so unflappable.

I am very pleased with how he is looking. He is getting quite handsome, now if he would just get taller! I am holding out hope since M&M grew so much between 2 & 3.
There is the white spot! He even has a white tail. I braided it and put it up so it doesn't stain yellow.
All the good this did, it snowed about 12" last night and the drying pastures will now be mud holes again. Ahh, springtime in Alaska.
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