Friday, February 13, 2009

great ride today

Knik Glacier

My instructor is out of town, Friday is usually training day. It was pretty nice out, so I took Spirit to the Knik River to ride. It was beautiful, around 30 and the footing was good. The long flat areas were great for her gaits, which she has been doing so nice since she has lost weight and gotten some muscle tone. Rebel was begging at the gate, but I took his momma instead and am glad I did. She is such a trail chicken, but seems to be doing better and getting braver. I don't know if she'll ever be perfectly calm all by herself, but like most things, she gives it a try.

People were shooting out there, which was a little scary when I realized I was wearing gray and she is a big brown fur ball. I just yelled between gun shots and they let me pass, it was very nice actually.

Coming back, we were alone and it was beautiful. Two bald eagles soared right above out heads, I tried to get a photo, but my crappy camera didn't get any good ones. The woodpeckers were out too.
Most of the pics look blue, maybe too much white out there.
Jim Creek frozen and perfect for glide riding along. All in all, we got to stay out for about 3 hours. It looks cold, but it was 40 when we got back to the truck. I was even hot at times!
I have pretty much stuck to my goal of riding all winter. With some "toasty toes" and "hot hands" as well as some other winter gear it has been pretty easy to do. The footing has been especially agreeable, not like years past with skating rinks out there.
I was so psyched to get out! Yea!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Eventing, August 2008

This is so late in posting, but I just got the CD of photos today, Thank you! She got some really good shots, I can critique my riding in them but I am not horrified looking at myself anymore. Maybe some lessons are paying off.

This is Jodi, my 23yo Appy. Man does she look good in these photos! The photog didn't get any dressage, by the time I rode it was like watching the grass grow. We were in the beginner, old lady, back at it after 25 years, division. Fossils over fences, hags on nags and all that! Jodi is a fantastic horse, she is my school horse, has taught many people to ride. I got her about 5-6 years ago, she is actually owned by a friend, but Jodi owns me so that's how it goes. Up to that point, she was just a backyard horse who wouldn't get on a trailer, lathered up when you trail rode and couldn't hold still. She has come a long way as an old lady! She is actually sweet sometimes, but don't depend on it.

Anyway, it rained all day. Not just a soft rain, but real horseshow rain. I made Jodi a stall in the trailer it was so bad. I love those slants! It was like having my own barn.

The Cross country was very fun, she seemed to like it better than anything else, which goes the same for me. She is my horsie double, really. We are a lot alike.

In the right photo on stadium, I put it in because you can see the rain and we both look like we feel the same about it. By the way, we came in fourth, out of about 8 people. Not bad for not thinking I wasn't going to do it the week before.